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HomeBig DataHow Big Data Is Used in Agriculture: 5 Business Use Cases

How Big Data Is Used in Agriculture: 5 Business Use Cases

In a world where data is increasingly becoming more available and important, it’s no surprise that the agricultural industry is one of the many places where big data is playing a role. Here are five business use cases for how big data is being used in agriculture.

1. Agricultural Production

The agricultural industry is constantly looking for ways to increase output. From farmers maintaining the health of their crops to suppliers monitoring the conditions of livestock, there is a great focus on understanding what’s happening in the environment at any given time. This ability to monitor growth and development on a farm makes it possible to make informed decisions about crop yields and ensures livestock is being taken care of properly.

2. Climate Change Modeling

Models are being used in agriculture to determine how climate change will impact crops at a more local level over time. This can have a great impact on how farms invest in equipment or change their growing practices to adapt to rising temperatures.

3. Soil Management

We are continuously learning about the impacts of nutrients on our environment, particularly agricultural soils. Using soil health information, farmers can monitor conditions and make changes that keep their soil health over time. This helps them adapt to changing conditions and reduce the risk of devastating mistakes down the road.

4. Tractors And Hoes In Africa

Many farmers in Africa are still using hoes and other traditional tools to work the land, but they don’t have access to accurate information about what they’re planting or how optimal planting patterns are best developed when resources are limited. A pilot program has been implemented using big data to improve productivity and make an impact on the lives of these farmers.

5. Almond Growers

Tracking how almond growers are using water, fertilizer and other inputs allows them to grow better crops, increase yields and optimize the use of resources. This use case can have a great impact on the lives of almond farmers, as a majority of them don’t have access to this type of data.

What Is The Role Of Big Data In Agriculture


The industry’s current worldwide value is predicted to be 138.9 billion USD in 2020.
However, it is predicted to expand to 229.4 billion USD by 2025. Big data is reshaping the way we understand the world around us.

Agriculture, in particular, has become more data driven as we are able to measure and analyze environmental factors over time to make better decisions. The data drives innovation and helps farmers improve their land and produce high quality crops and livestock that yield better results than ever before.

How Can Big Data Help In Agriculture

Traditional models for farming are being replaced with more sustainable models driven by data. Data-driven models allow farmers to maximize their resources and productively to produce crops and livestock that are the best possible quality.

To do this, farmers need access to new types of sensors, GPS systems and other technologies that collect information about what’s happening on their farm. New tools have been developed that allow farmers to track livestock feeding, soil moisture and even how much water they’re using on a given day.

This data is then used to adapt farming techniques, which has an impact on the quality of food produced and helps to reduce overall costs associated with growing crops or raising livestock. By 2025, the agriculture big data analytics industry is expected to be worth 1.4 billion USD.

Why Big Data Is Important In Agriculture

The agricultural industry is growing significantly, particularly in developing countries where markets are being opened and there’s an increasing demand for products. In order to meet this demand, farmers have to spend more money and make use of their land more efficiently.

This means making decisions that they can’t always make on their own, particularly those related to investing in new equipment or technology. These types of businesses can benefit greatly from big data because it gives them the tools they need to be productive while reducing the risks associated with investment.

Being able to monitor crops and livestock throughout their lifecycle while also knowing how they impact land quality makes a big difference in farming practices on a large scale. According to the United Nations, the global population will reach 9.8 billion by 2050, a 2.2 billion increase from present.

Different Ways Big Data Is Transforming Agriculture


Cloud computing and data analytics are transforming the agricultural sector by improving supply chain management and big data analytics. Farmers are now able to use data to track trends, optimize production, and predict demand. This has led to a more efficient and effective agricultural sector that is better able to meet the needs of consumers.

The overall area of farmlands in the United States has decreased from 913 million acres in 2014 to 899 million acres in 2018.

Smart farming using big data analysis and artificial intelligence is being used to help farmers collect data about food demand. This information is then used to help farmers produce the right amount of food to meet demand.

1. Sowing Technologies

Agriculture is a very sensitive industry, which means that it has to be extremely accurate and efficient when it comes to watering crops. Traditional watering methods based on gravity are not always effective or feasible, which is why farmers need better options that help them reach the right soil moisture levels in a timely manner.

2. Drone Delivery Of Supplies

It can sometimes be difficult for farmers to reach the places they need their supplies, particularly when they don’t have access to reliable transportation. This means that they have to make additional trips back and forth from their fields.

Having the ability to use a drone delivery service where they can quickly receive any products they need would be extremely beneficial in helping them grow their crops.

3. Predictive Analytics To Prevent Pests And Disease

Big data is already making a big impact when it comes to preventing pests and disease as we are able to predict outbreaks much better than ever before. This is especially important in developing countries because there’s very little time for farmers to protect their crops from disease and pest infestation, which means that they’re not able to produce as much food.

This makes it even more important for farmers in these regions to have access to tools that give them the information they need about what’s happening on their farms so that they can protect their land.

4. Improved Systems To Improve And Manage Crops

There are also a great many ways that big data is transforming agriculture and improving the overall health of crops as we’re able to monitor them throughout their lifecycle and make better decisions based on this data. In addition, there are other tools that deliver critical information about how crops grow, which is crucial in ensuring high yields and healthy crops.

Benefits Of Big Data In Agriculture


Precision agriculture is a farming management technique that uses historical data and data collection to improve crop yields. Big data in agriculture is used to improve the efficiency of precision agriculture.

Analytics use in agriculture has been steadily expanding; the market is predicted to rise from USD 585 million in 2018 to USD 1236 million by 2023, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.2%.

As the global population continues to grow, operational efficiency has become a critical success factor for businesses. Data solutions can help businesses overcome key challenges and improve their efficiency.

1. Increased Productivity

One of the most obvious benefits of big data in farming is that it can help farmers to increase their productivity. They’ll have access to information about how their crops grow and how they live, which will allow them to make better decisions about selling their products or using them for themselves. For example, if the farmer knows that a crop is going to be ready sooner than expected, he can save money by selling it at an even higher point when it’s ready.

2. Reduced Costs

Big data will also help farmers reduce costs by giving them access to additional resources. For example, if there’s a drought in their region, a farmer will know exactly what to do in order to make sure their crops survive even with limited water. This means that he’ll be able to save money on resources and prevent his crops from suffering.

3. Better Access To Information

The ability to use sensors in farming equipment is going to have a significant effect on the way farmers grow their crops and livestock. Instead of having to rely on their own intuition about the resources they need for their land, farmers can gather real-time data about what’s happening, which will allow them to maximize the resources they have available and improve their quality of life.

4. More Control Over Resources

Big data in agriculture also gives farmers a lot more control over the resources they use for their crops. For example, it would be very difficult for farmers to manage their water resources if they didn’t have information about when and where to water their crops.

This will help them to know what they need and make sure that they’re getting the best possible results out of their land, so that they can maximize its productivity.

5. Maximizing Yields And Quality Of Crops

The ability to gather real-time data will also help farmers know exactly how their crops are growing and what additional resources they need in order to maximize their yield and harvest. This will allow them to grow high-quality crops that meet their standards so that they can sell them at a good price once they’re ready.

6. Improved Quality Of Life For Farmers

The ability to use big data in agriculture can also help farmers improve their quality of life by providing them with access to a steady supply of food and reliable transportation. In developing countries, there are many areas where farmers don’t have access to cars or trucks because this equipment is too expensive for them.

This makes it difficult for them to transport their products, especially if they live in remote locations. So, it would be quite beneficial to have access to more reliable transportation in these areas.

7. Improved Customer Service

The ability to use big data in agriculture also improves customer service because farmers will be able to provide better recommendations and recommendations based on the information they have access to.

Farmers will know exactly what products they need, so it’ll be easier for them to serve their customers when they have questions about what they should grow or what they should buy.

Some farmers may even become consultants or advisors that other farmers can follow because of all the information that’s available about how crops grow and how they’re harvested.

8. Reduced Risk

Big data in agriculture will also help reduce the risk of crops failing by providing farmers with more accurate information. For example, if there’s a drought and farmers have limited access to water, they’ll have access to information about changing weather patterns that will help them to monitor rainfall and the time it takes for their crops to dry out.

They’ll be able to know that their crops are still alive even if it takes longer than normal for them to dry out once they’re ready because of this information.

The Future Of Big Data Agriculture

With 220 members and €6.4 billion in sales, InVivo is France’s leading agricultural cooperative group. Its subsidiary, SMAG, is the French market leader in agronomic information systems. Its software is utilised by 80% of French cooperatives and 50% of French businesses.

There’s been a great deal of focus on the expanding use of big data in businesses, but farming still uses old mechanical equipment and systems that are incredibly inefficient. As we consider what other types of businesses could benefit from big data, it makes sense to consider how we can modernize the agricultural industry.

We should be looking at how farmers can benefit from sensors built into their equipment that allow them to monitor key factors throughout the growth cycle and in real-time. These sensors can provide information about soil moisture levels so that farmers know when they need to water their crops or increase irrigation.

There have also been great advancements in tools for monitoring livestock that give farmers information about their health and overall well-being.

Final Note

Agriculture is an industry that’s continually looking to evolve and make better use of data. It’s increasingly important for farmers to be able to know how much water, fertilizer and other supplies they’re using in order to make the most of the resources available.

This type of information will only become more important as our planet continues to grow and resources are limited, which means that farmers need better tools and technologies that can help them maximize productivity on their farms.

Big data is making a great impact for farmers around the world who want to improve the quality of their crops, reduce costs associated with growing products and take advantage of new markets once they’re open.

Last Updated on October 11, 2023 by Priyanshi Sharma


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