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HomeRobotic Process AutomationHow To Prepare For An Automated Future: The Top 5 Tips

How To Prepare For An Automated Future: The Top 5 Tips

We are on the cusp of a new era where automation will drastically change the workforce. As we move into this new age, it’s important to be prepared for the changes that are coming. Here are five important tips to help you take the first steps towards being ready for the automated future:

1. Be Flexible And Adaptable

Statistics for jobs lost to automation in 2021 reveal that up to 800 million jobs could be phased out.

There are millions of jobs that exist now that did not exist even a generation ago. As automation takes over more jobs, we will need flexible and adaptable workers to fill the gaps in other fields, whether it’s because their jobs have been automated or they voluntarily choose to pursue different careers.

This flexibility will allow you to take advantage of new opportunities as they arise, rather than finding yourself unemployed for any extended period of time. The more open you are to significant changes in your career path, the more likely you are to have a successful journey through an automated future.

2. Learn How To Code


The amount of jobs lost to automation in the United States is expected to reach 73 million by 2030.

Even if you’re not a computer programmer, it’s in your best interest to learn the basics of coding. As you adjust to an automated future, your ability to understand basic programming will allow you to interact with technology far better than those who don’t understand how computers work.

Learning some coding basics will also give you a much better appreciation of what automation is accomplishing and what the limitations are. It can also help you make educated career choices as automated jobs begin taking over more roles in society. In addition, if you have specific skills that can be easily converted into code, there is a very good chance your job will not be affected by automation.

3. Become More Physically Fit

As automation begins to take over certain types of jobs, there will be a renewed focus on physical fitness. In the past, workers were needed for long hours in factories or coal mines, or to go out into nature and do manual labor for extended periods of time.

Now that more of these types of jobs are being automated, we will need new types of workers with different skills. Since most jobs that require in-depth knowledge work can’t be automated, the result is a shift toward more physical jobs like construction and agriculture. This means there will be an increased need for manual labor that requires increased strength and endurance.

4. Be Ready To Change Careers

Food preparation is one of the jobs most vulnerable to automation, accounting for more than 60% of all jobs.

With the advent of automation, there will be many types of jobs that require different skills. For example, if you have a college degree in English Literature, there is a very good chance you may need to change careers and pursue a higher paying job with an emphasis on writing or translation.

It’s also highly likely that there will be new types of jobs that we haven’t even thought about yet. The best way to adapt to this changing situation is to think ahead and be prepared for changes.

This includes being ready for career changes such as moving into different sectors such as technical support or marketing. Be prepared to do anything imaginable as automation continues its march through society.

5. Find A Career That Can’t Be Automated

China may have 14 million robots, making it the most automated country in the world.

Because of the nature of automation, most jobs that exist right now can, and eventually will, be automated. However, there are some jobs that are more resistant to automation than others. For example, this is likely true for those who work with children and in the medical field.

Other fields may include some artistic pursuits or roles where creativity plays a significant role. The more you can focus on careers where automation isn’t likely to take over anytime soon, the easier it will be to transition through this process. It also ensures that you will have a job in the future.

Fourth Industrial Revolution


The Fourth Industrial Revolution is transforming the way we live, work and communicate. Technical skills and technical expertise are in high demand, and soft skills are becoming increasingly important. The World Economic Forum – Future of Jobs Report 2018 highlights the skills that will be most in demand over the next decade.

AI In Education

Artificial intelligence is slowly but surely changing the landscape of education. Traditional education is becoming less effective as students are able to find answers to questions with a simple Google search.

To keep up with the times, educators must start teaching critical thinking and problem-solving skills instead of memorization and rote learning. Machine learning is also changing the way businesses operate, automating many business processes that were once done by human employees.

Every year, the number of industrial robot jobs grows by 14%.

As business leaders continue to seek ways to solve problems and improve efficiency, many are turning to continuous learning programs for their existing employees. These programs help workers keep up with changing technologies and trends, and also improve their problem-solving skills. In addition, continuous learning can help employees advance their careers and become more engaged in their work.

How You Can Prepare

From mobile devices to cloud computing and other emerging technologies, the workplace is transforming rapidly right now. And it is only going to continue as technology continues to advance. In fact, automation is likely to change the landscape of jobs more in the next 10 years than it has changed over the past 100 years combined.

That means that some people will lose their jobs. Many will be displaced from their careers as automation continues to push through industry after industry. While some workers will be able to continue working at similar or better-paying jobs, many jobs won’t be so easy to replace.

Create A Culture Of Automation

Instead, we will begin to see a shift towards more physical jobs that require greater strength and endurance. At the same time, there will be new types of jobs created as automation allows us to pursue different career paths. Some of these changes are already happening in our society, but the future will see a much higher level of automation.

So if you want to be successful in an automated world, you need to be prepared for what’s coming. Instead of seeing this as a negative situation that is limiting your job prospects, embrace it and take advantage of the growing trend towards automation. This means being flexible and open-minded towards changes that are coming into play so you can remain competitive in a modern economy.

As automation continues to transform the workplace and the job market, many people are worried about their future. They wonder if there will be a job for them in an automated world.

While no one knows what the future holds, there is hope that we can adapt to change. And those who embrace automation’s possibilities will be best able to take advantage of new opportunities as they arise.

However, in order to stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in an increasingly automated workplace, you need to make some adjustments. For starters, you need to become more familiar with the basics of coding. Only then will you be able to take advantage of all that automation has to offer.

In addition, it never hurts to also learn how to become more physically fit. While most jobs aren’t going away anytime soon, they will likely shift in focus as they become more automated over time. So instead of lamenting on what may have been, be ready for what’s coming and learn how to adapt your skill set for a modern world.

How To Stay Ahead Of The Curve In An Automated World


Automation, at its core, is a way of improving efficiency through the use of machines. Over the past century or so, there have been plenty of jobs that were displaced by automation. While this may seem like something that only affects factory workers and isn’t relevant to your daily life in any significant way, you’d be wrong.

If you’re in the workforce or thinking about finding a job, you should understand that automation’s effects are going to be felt in nearly every industry. And if you’re not actively preparing for this change, you will be left behind.

In the future, we will see fewer and fewer workers being needed for certain jobs. Just like how some jobs have been taken over by technology over the past decade or so, there are going to be many more roles that become automatable in the future. Even though many rigid jobs can’t be automated, that doesn’t mean they will cease to exist.

The Future Of Work Automation

In 2020, there will be 2.7 million industrial robots in use in factories.

A future without work is not an idea we can embrace. But how will we prepare for it? It’s no longer a question of if, but when.

We know that automation won’t just impact simple, repetitive tasks in the workplace, but that it will also make major shifts in our everyday lives. From a healthcare assistant to a salesperson, many jobs are already under threat from automation. But it doesn’t stop there: those who ignore automation’s effects could be left behind. If you don’t prepare for what’s coming, you may not be able to keep up with the changes.

Final Note

The digital transformation is inevitable. More and more tasks are becoming automated, and new positions are being created to manage these technologies. Unlimited access to information and resources has made it possible for anyone to stay relevant and up-to-date with the latest trends.

As automation continues to advance in the workplace, people are going to want to know what the future holds. From computer programs and algorithms to artificial intelligence, society is on the verge of a major technological shift. When it comes down to it, automation is something we can’t ignore.

And with developments like artificial intelligence happening on a regular basis, it is only going to become more prevalent in our lives. So if you want a job that will last in an automated world, you need to be prepared for the changes coming over the next few years.

Last Updated on October 11, 2023 by Priyanshi Sharma


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