Industry automation has been a growing trend in recent years, as manufacturers strive to increase efficiency and productivity. The internet of things (IoT) is playing a significant role in this transformation, as more and more devices are being connected to the internet. This article will explore how IoT is being used in industry automation, and the benefits it is bringing to manufacturers.
How IoT Is Used In Industry
Industry automation involves the use of computers and machines to automate mundane tasks such as measuring, monitoring and regulating manufacturing processes. One of the biggest benefits of this type of automation is that it reduces manual labour.
By removing humans from a process, there is no longer need for training or errors caused by human error. It also frees up more time for workers to focus on other tasks which require human ingenuity and creativity.
According to a poll of data analytics specialists in the industrial industry, the majority believe spreadsheets will become less important as IoT-enabled devices and other automated business intelligence technologies take over.
The Industrial IoT (IIoT), or Industrial Internet, refers to an integration of sensors, devices and cloud-based big data analytics with enterprise systems in industry, building on top of the internet infrastructure that has already been built in recent years.
The basic premise of the IIoT is to use sensors to capture real-time data at a very detailed level, process it in real-time, and then use analytics to identify problems as they occur. As an example, let’s consider an integrated manufacturing system that uses IIoT technology. In a conventional manufacturing system, the different machines used for production are all connected to one another.
In an IIoT system however, each machine is equipped with a variety of sensors which collect data on a wide range of things such as location, temperature and vibration levels. This information is then collected by a cloud-based Hadoop system and analysed in real time to identify problems as they occur.
The Impact Of Internet Of Things (IoT) On Industrial Automation

When applied to industry automation, the IoT can help manufacturers in several ways. For example, in a manufacturing environment where many different machines are used for production, a common issue is that some machines break down and others have long downtime periods.
This leads to a loss of productivity. The IoT can be used to eliminate this problem by leveraging information from these sensors and using analytics to predict failures so they can be resolved before they occur.
Another benefit is that the daily routines of workers can be streamlined, allowing them to focus more on other tasks that require human ingenuity such as quality control checks or developing new products.
China, in particular, is the greatest user of industrial robots (approximately 140,000 units), with Japan a distant second (almost 50,000 units).
The IoT is also impacting other branches of manufacturing as well where it is being used for asset tracking and predictive maintenance. For example, IoT is being used by mining companies to monitor their mining equipment in real time and minimize downtime. It is also being used to monitor shipping containers and predict if they will break down to prevent costly delays in delivering goods.
How Is I‌IoT‌ ‌Transforming‌ ‌Manufacturing
The ‌Internet‌ of ‌Things‌ is enabling a connected world of automation and efficiency. The IIoT enables manufacturers to gather data from their production lines and use it to make an informed decision about how they want to improve their products.
They can then implement these changes in their production process without losing time or money since their software is working for them, instead of against them.
Industrial Internet
The industrial automation sector is benefiting from the adoption of industrial internet and IoT devices and technology. This is enabling better connectivity and communication between machines and devices, as well as improved monitoring and control of industrial processes.
This in turn is leading to more efficient and effective operations and increased productivity and profitability for businesses. Industrial IoT solutions are playing a vital role in this transformation of the industrial sector.
Industrial data analytics may cause a few headaches along the way. Only 32% of data analytics experts in the industrial business say they are “good” or “excellent” at appropriately analysing sensor data.
Benefits Of IoT In Industry Automation

As the world increasingly turns to digital solutions to solve various issues, the industrial sector is no different. Many industrial companies are looking to digital transformation in order to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
A key part of this is predictive maintenance, which uses data acquisition and analysis to identify potential problems before they occur. This can help reduce downtime and improve overall productivity. Additionally, the use of industrial IoT can help to further automate various processes, making the entire operation more efficient.
The cloud computing, data analytics, and automation technology industries are booming. With the advent of industrial systems and the globalization of the supply chain, these industries are only going to grow. The demand for skilled workers in these industries is high, and the competition is fierce.
1. Reduces Waste
The IIoT is being used in many industries to provide real-time insights into manufacturing processes and provide predictive analytics to improve efficiency. In some cases, it is being used to eliminate waste altogether. For example, by installing sensors on automated machinery, machine downtime is reduced which translates into savings on maintenance and production.
2. Increases Efficiency Of Operations
IIoT can be applied to a broad range of applications from production lines to transportation systems, allowing manufacturers to streamline their processes and increase the efficiency of their business operations.
For example, sensors can be placed on transport vehicles that track location and vehicle status so that problems can be identified before they become issues.
3. Maximizes Productivity
Collecting data from machines and analysing it in real-time allows manufacturing personnel to make better sense of the information and take corrective action before problems become issues.
This not only allows problems to be resolved faster, but it also means that there is less wasted energy since operations are optimised instead of left running at full capacity regardless of whether it is needed or not.
Sensors can also be easily added to most types of machinery which can then track things like temperature, location, vibration and more which then fed into analytics systems for processing. This means that machine information is accessible at all times and stored in a central database making it easier for managers to make sense of the data.
Manufacturing IoT expanded at the fastest rate of any industry between 2016 and 2017.
4. Eliminates Human Error
IIoT devices have the ability to collect and analyse data in real-time which allows companies to respond faster to problems and correct errors. This saves time and money, especially during the planning phases of projects where human errors are often made. Another benefit of IIoT is the removal of humans from production lines which allows companies to minimize the risk of injuries to workers.
5. Allows Workers More Time For Creative Tasks
By removing humans from production floors, IIoT frees up workers so they can focus on tasks that require a human touch such as quality control checks or developing new products. This also means that workers can work more safely and efficiently with minimal downtime which is good for both the workers and the company.
6. Better Decision-Making
IIoT devices are being used to gather more data about factors like temperature, vibration and location which allows companies to make better decisions about their operations without having to rely on human judgement.
For example, industrial equipment can be fitted with sensors so that problems are identified before they cause damage instead of waiting until a machine breaks down and causing significant financial damage.
7. Enhanced Security
Because IIoT devices are able to capture data at high speed, they provide a huge amount of valuable information to industries ranging from shipping yard security to banking systems. They are also useful in transportation operations since they can be used to track containers and vehicles as they move down a production line.
8. Enhances Data Handling
IIoT devices can also be used to provide access to data that is being stored in central databases. This allows companies to use the information for analysis which can provide insights into problems and identify solutions faster, reducing the time needed for decision making and decreasing delays in production.
This also means that manufacturers don’t have to store large amounts of data on their servers which saves money and space on company servers as well.
Challenges Of IoT In Industry Automation

In Germany, 91% of industrial/manufacturing firms invest in “digital factories,” which incorporate IoT technologies.
As industrial equipment becomes more and more connected with IoT technologies, automated disaster response systems are becoming more common. These systems are designed to automatically detect and respond to various disasters, such as fires, floods, and earthquakes. This can help to reduce the amount of damage that occurs during these events, as well as the amount of time it takes to respond to them.
1. Data Security
The IIoT is already making our lives easier at home but the same does not apply to industry. Manufacturers need to be aware that their data will be valuable for both security and research purposes.
In order to make sure this is not abused, manufacturers need processes that allow them to determine which users are authorized to view which data or how far they can access it before storing it.
2. Privacy And Security Issues Around Providing Information
Manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure that the public’s privacy is not violated as part of their operations. When information is being provided to consumers, manufacturers need to make sure they only give as much information as is asked for and ensure that no secrets are revealed.
3. Security Challenges Of IoT Devices In Places Like Banks
The IoT industry is still in its infancy and there are a lot of challenges new companies face. The biggest one by far is that there aren’t many regulations in place that cover the types of security systems banks should have in place to protect their data.
There are industry standards but they are not enough since new technologies like the IIoT are not covered by laws. Banks need to be sure they implement strong data protection measures in order to protect their customers from hacking attempts and other sources of unwanted intrusion.
4. Second-Hand Data Gathering
If a new technology like the IIoT is going to be applied in industry, then manufacturers must ensure that they don’t gather their customers’ information and sell it to third parties. They need to make sure that an agreement is reached beforehand which addresses how their data will be shared and have proper measures in place to prevent this from happening.
5. The Need For New Regulations
Industries are starting to look at the IIoT as a viable way of saving time and money, but it is still early on in its development and many regulations are still not in place for new technologies. Many consumers want better security and privacy measures in place to ensure that their personal information is safe.
6. Fights Between IT Managers
The second biggest challenge for manufacturers of the IIoT is that there are large divides between IT managers who need to share information with each other and those who have to work closely with engineers who understand the technology from a more technical perspective.
There are problems with communicating data and creating a unified view of the entire fleet since there are different types of equipment being used today. It is important to have cross-functional teams in place so everyone can work together effectively on issues that prevent the overall performance of production lines from being organised effectively.
7. Security Concerns With Mobile Devices
In many parts of the world, it is still common to use cell phones and tablets to access personal information. Cell phone manufacturers have been slow to implement security procedures which gives the IIoT industry an advantage.
Manufacturers can implement strong security measures on their cell phones, for example, so that information that is sensitive is not seen by more than one user even if they share them with a third party. This prevents unauthorized users from seeing private information and makes sure it is only available to users who are part of the agreement to view it.
8. Adapting To An Ever-Changing Technology
New technologies are constantly being developed and implemented in the IIoT space. Because this area of the industry is so new, manufacturers still don’t know what benefits there are for embracing certain technologies and how they can be implemented without compromising security.
After all, many of these technologies are being developed out of a need to make it easier for manufacturers but security has not really been addressed until now. Manufacturers need to find more effective ways to implement data protection measures that will protect companies’ sensitive data while not restricting their access (as long as authorized users are accessing it).
The Future Of IoT In Industry Automation
The IIoT is already changing the way companies operate on a daily basis, whether they are manufacturers or other types of businesses. A lot of industries are already looking at how they can use the IIoT to develop new products and enhance the way their operations work.
The biggest benefits come from the fact that new technologies like machine learning, cloud computing and advanced data analytics can be used to create new ways of communicating with people who need services. This allows companies to provide high-quality support and service rather than trying to find ways to replace these employees as well.
What Does The Future Hold For The IIoT
The Internet of Things has been proven to be invaluable in many areas where its value has been tested over time. Manufacturing industries are showing an increased interest in using this technology due to the increased efficiency it creates.
Sensors are being used to make sure that products are being manufactured in an optimal environment, which means that companies can increase the speed at which they produce their products. It has also been shown that IIoT can be used to inform decision-making processes to ensure that industries operate at peak performance and efficiency.
According to IoT Analytics, the industrial industry spent more than $64 billion on IoT in 2018 and expects Industry 4.0 spending to reach $310 billion by 2023.
There are obviously still many challenges in the way of the IIoT and these will continue to keep the adoption rate low for some time. New regulations need to be implemented on a global level, which can help manufacturers know how they must protect their customers’ information. Security is also one of the biggest concerns with regards to how IoT technologies can affect businesses and their customers.
Final Note
The industrial IoT is transforming the way factory business operations are being conducted. By leveraging the capabilities of sensors and analytics, manufacturers can reduce waste, increase efficiency, maximize productivity and eliminate many problems that arise from human error.
These benefits are helping reshape modern factory business operations, transforming them into smart factories which are better equipped to face challenges of today’s competitive market.
Last Updated on October 8, 2023 by himani