Voice technology is a rapidly expanding field that promises to change the way we communicate with one another. This guide will help you understand some of the technical aspects, as well as provide tips and advice on how you can get started.
Many companies, including Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Apple have spoken out on what they expect to be a favorable future for voice-based communication. It’s no doubt that this new field has great potential to shape the way we communicate in our daily lives.
But how exactly does it work? How do these devices talk to each other? How can it be localized for different parts of the world? In this guide, we’ll cover all these topics and more.
What Is Voice Technology
Voice technology refers to the use of speech for the purpose of communication, rather than with text. It can be used to interact with computers and computerized devices – such as security systems, robots, and automated call answering systems – just as well as it can be used to interact with other people.
It’s fascinating that it works both ways: if you want to make this technology work for you, you’ll need to learn how to use voice technology. According to Google, 27% of all online users worldwide use voice search on their mobile devices.
Importance Of Voice Technology

The importance of voice technology is that it allows users to communicate in non-verbal ways. Even though voice technology isn’t always considered the most reliable form of communication, it can be very effective in certain situations.
For example, if you’re at a party and you’ve lost your friend, using your voice technologies can help you find them much quicker than searching area.
Benefits Of Voice Technology
In 2019, up 9.5% from 2018, eMarketer anticipated that over a third of the US population (111.8 million individuals) would use a voice assistant on a monthly basis. Computer programmes known as voice assistants are able to understand spoken language and react appropriately.
They are commonly used in smart speakers and other voice-enabled devices to control various functions through voice commands. Many voice assistants use voice recognition software to identify the speaker and convert their speech into text.
This text is then analyzed to determine the meaning and intent of the utterance. Common tasks that voice assistants can perform include playing music, setting alarms, and adding items to a shopping list.
1. Voice-Based Communication
Voice technology, by its very nature, allows for an open collaboration between computers and humans. This can help increase the speed at which companies can carry out their tasks, as well as ease communication problems that call centers are often faced with.
2. Machine Learning Technology
Machine learning technology is what enables voice systems to learn from their experiences and adapt to changes in the environment around them. This makes it possible for organizations to make their systems smarter, more efficient and adaptable in their use.
For example, this technology allows organizations to reduce operational costs by simply tuning out all unnecessary voices. It also helps reduce production time through elimination of time-consuming tasks.
3. Machine Translation
Another benefit of machine learning is its ability to translate the input in real time. It can read the input out loud and check it against a database of words so that it can provide the corresponding translation.
Organizations have found this type of technology to be very useful in their operations, particularly when they need to produce documentation that can be understood by many different languages.
4. Pretty Voice Recognition Technology
You may have heard of voice recognition technology before, but you may not have understood what they really mean. This technology is one of the most impressive features of the voice field, making it easy to interact with any device.
For example, you can use your computer’s speech recognition feature instead of typing on the keyboard. It can also help you operate your phone and other digital devices. It’s amazing how much easier it is to interact with voice-activated technology than a physical keyboard.
5. Multitasking

According to ComScore, voice search technology will be used by more than half of all smartphone users in 2020. Voice technology has enabled people to perform multiple tasks at once – especially in the business environment.
Instead of having to type out each word or response, connected users are able to get straight to the point when they need answers from their systems or from other users who are connected via these systems.
6. Ease Of Access
Voice technology is available to almost anyone. It doesn’t require you to have the latest and greatest devices. Even older systems including typewriters, TVs and other household electronics can be connected with voice technology with a little creative thinking on your end.
This makes it easier for people to communicate and share information whatever their age or location.
7. Increased Network Potential
Voice technology has also helped boost the potential of existing networks which allow users across different regions, countries and even continents to connect with one another without having to travel far distances or wait too long for a response.
This is great for users who prefer to work from home or keep in touch with their family and friends who may not be nearby.
8. Easy Setup
Setting up voice-based technology is much easier than setting up other types of technology. This is because modern voice-based software and hardware is designed to work with any computer without the need for additional hardware or software.
All you need to do to set it up is simply install the software and you’re good to go. This not only makes it easy for new users, but also allows older users who have been less tech-savvy in the past better opportunities at new ways of interacting with their computers, phones and other connected devices.
Risks Of Voice Technology

Voice technology is growing rapidly as more and more devices are becoming voice enabled. Voice assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are becoming increasingly popular, as they make it easier for users to interact with artificial intelligence.
This trend is likely to continue as voice technology becomes more sophisticated and user-friendly. By 2020, voice search will be used in 30% of all browser sessions, according to a Gartner report.
Voice control is a feature that allows users to control devices and apps using their voice. Voice-enabled apps are apps that are designed to be controlled by voice commands. Digital assistants are software programs that use voice recognition to perform tasks or answer questions.
1. Illegal Use
One of the major issues with voice technology is its potential use for illegal purposes. This can include activities such as fraud, identity theft, defamation, and bullying.
It’s important to monitor your young kids who may be more susceptible to this type of technology abuse. Also check what your employees are saying about your company on their devices.
2. Privacy Issues
Voice technology can also cause privacy issues if you don’t have policies in place to ensure that it doesn’t compromise the privacy of your users or customers. It’s important that you develop a good set of guidelines for phone usage and prohibit employees from using their devices for private calls during work hours without prior permission from their managers.
3. Potential Liability
According to Voicebot.ai, 33% of adults use voice search on a regular basis as of early 2019, an increase from 25% in 2018. Over half of all adults have used voice search. Voice technology can also result in potential liability issues if you aren’t careful.
For example, if you’re using voice technology to cut costs and limit your call center’s expenses, it’s possible that you may end up creating a hostile work environment for your employees who may be tired of having to answer the phone all day long with these systems.
4. Data Security Issues
Another potential data security issue with voice technology is that its very nature requires that users disclose information about themselves on a daily basis. This can include many different types of data such as location, family information, health records and so on.
This means that it’s possible that your employees could be sharing things about themselves or their personal lives on the phone which they would not ordinarily do in front of other people – especially not in their offices or at work.
5. Data Storage
Another potential data security risk with voice technology is its storage capability. Users can store a lot of information in their recordings of interactions with their systems, including sensitive information which they wouldn’t share with other people in front of others. This type of information could be used for many types of illegal activities.
6. Privacy Concerns
Technology is designed to make your daily lives easier, but at the same time, it can create privacy concerns. Voice technology is no exception, although you may need to do some more work on how you’re going to deal with data collection and access.
You might want to invest in a privacy policy that outlines your agreement with employees and users on how they can use their voice devices and voice applications while at work.
7. Liability Issues
In 2018, 1 in 6 Americans, per NRP and Edison Research, owned a smart speaker. Another potential liability risk associated with voice technology is that they don’t eliminate the risk of injuring yourself or others who are around you when talking on your devices.
This is especially true for those who are driving. It’s important to enforce appropriate safe usage policies when using voice technology in the workplace.
You may want to consider using different types of mechanisms such as speakerphone systems which limit the risks of users talking to their devices under certain conditions.
8. Sensitive Information
Voice technology also doesn’t have a problem with collecting sensitive information such as medical records and financial data – this can be a potential privacy risk. You should take measures to ensure that sensitive information is removed from the recordings before it’s shared with other users.
Final Note
The future of voice technology is bright, and there are many more technological advancements waiting on the horizon which will only increase its capabilities. It’s important to consider how you’re going to use voice technology in your business, because it can be both a benefit and a burden.
As such, you should plan ahead for the potential uses of voice technology, and remain aware of potential privacy issues as well as potential liability issues associated with this modern form of communication.
Last Updated on September 29, 2023 by Parina Parmar