In today’s fast-paced, competitive job market, few people can afford to take a long time to find the job that is perfect for them.
That’s why many professionals rely on recruiters to weed through the vast numbers of online applications and find the best candidates. But what happens when recruiters themselves are replaced by artificial intelligence?
That is a question that many human resource directors are asking themselves in light of advancements in technology. Artificial intelligence programs have been implemented in nearly every industry imaginable, and now it seems that recruitment is next on the list.
What Is Artificial Intelligence In Recruiting Process
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the capability of a machine to “think” like a human being. AI also refers to software or computer code that enables machines to self-teach and improve their own performance without human guidance.
Experts believe that the next big growth industry in the global economy will be jobs created by AI, but does this mean an end for HR professionals?

Nearly 67% of HR professionals think AI has several advantages and a beneficial effect on the hiring procedure. AI is mainly used for recruitment by companies that need vast numbers of applicants to review quickly and efficiently.
Many companies are using technology known as “track and screen” software designed with advanced natural language processing capabilities that permit rapid analysis of large numbers of resumes.
Importance Of Artificial Intelligence In Recruiting Process
After automation eliminated the need for the majority of human jobs in the past few decades, artificial intelligence is poised to replace recruiters and HR professionals. Though we are still early in its development, it may already be better than human recruiters at finding and handling candidates who will succeed in any given setting.
Approximately 85% of recruiters believe that AI will eventually replace some steps in the hiring process.
AI’s ability to provide predictive analysis based on previous test scores and job performance data will allow employers to identify which candidates will thrive in their environment as well as accurately predict which ones won’t.
In addition, AI powered technology will make it easier for recruiters to identify top performers and focus on those talents even if there aren’t many applicants with them.
Benefits Of Artificial Intelligence In Recruiting Process
Recruitment and hiring can be a time-consuming process for hiring managers. Machine learning can help to speed up the process by identifying qualified candidates more quickly. This can free up time for managers to conduct interviews and make decisions.
Approximately 79% of recruiters think artificial intelligence will eventually be sophisticated enough to decide who gets hired and fired. Only roughly 43% of candidates agree with this statement.
Talent acquisition process is the process of identifying, recruiting, and hiring employees. Talent acquisition professionals use a variety of tools, including artificial intelligence (AI) tools, to identify and attract top talent. HR professionals play a key role in talent acquisition, as they are responsible for developing and implementing recruiting strategies.
1. Employer Branding
In an effort to attract the best possible candidates, recruiters are using AI powered recruiting software to target specific audiences around the world.
The technology can be adjusted according to country, specialty and industry so that employers learn as much about their potential applicants as possible.
Recruiters can even adjust messaging based on data gathered from previous applications.
2. More Accurate Searching
AI technology could substantially reduce the number of resumes that are tossed aside by recruiters because they lack basic information such as education and skill set details.
The AI system can identify trends and issues among applicants more easily than a human recruiter, which also means less false positives that lead to rejected candidates later on.
3. Improved Applicant Satisfaction

Many human resource professionals lack confidence in their own abilities to do their jobs well, but this is particularly true of recruiters. By building a stronger relationship with employees and applicants, artificial intelligence can improve the overall experience for everyone involved in the process.
Recruiters who are more accessible and responsive will be able to identify which candidates should be given preferential treatment and which ones can be treated as outcasts.
4. Increased Efficiency
Only roughly 31% of respondents said they would be okay with AI making the hiring decision.
AI-based software can reveal precisely what an employee really needs or wants so that the recruiter can find ways to meet those demands without wasting time on irrelevant information or incomplete data sets during analysis. At a time when every dollar counts, this is certainly an attractive benefit.
5. Greater Transparency And Accessibility
Similar to customer service, AI in the recruitment process can be used to make it easier for applicants to find the information they need and get responses to their questions without relying on costly and resource-heavy human assistance.
At the same time, recruiters can improve their own access to information with fewer limitations, which will keep them ahead of their competitors.
6. Better Employee Retention Rates
Finding new employees is expensive and time-consuming, which means that recruiters will often put pressure on existing employees to stay even if they no longer want to be with the company.
Artificial intelligence is less likely to do this, and if it finds that an employee has a better offer, it may encourage the employee to pursue that opportunity. Approximately 89% of respondents believe AI might facilitate the hiring process for candidates.
This will benefit both parties in the long run because the employee will be happier at their new job and the company will be able to reinvest more time and money into developing new talent than on hiring for open positions.
7. Less Stress For HR Professionals
Higher turnover rates due to better job satisfaction among employees means that recruiters may have less work in some scenarios.
Even when hiring is necessary, artificial intelligence can provide access to a broader set of candidates who might not otherwise apply for jobs at a company. This means less stress and more personal attention for recruiters.
8. More Time For Recruiters To Invest In Their Career
AI will make it easier to send the best candidates directly towards their dream job, but it may require recruiters to be more proactive in raising their own profile and earning clients’ attention.
This could allow HR professionals to work less, earn more money and grow more substantially with fewer setbacks due to personal issues outside of work.
Ultimately, AI may take the place of recruiters, but it will be up to HR professionals to figure out how best use this technology for their organization. Recruitment has potentially limitless benefits, but only if the system can handle them effectively.
Risks Of Artificial Intelligence In Recruiting Process
The final stages of hiring will always be carried out by humans, according to more than 62% of respondents, but some aspects of the recruitment process will be replaced by AI.

There is a lot of talk about how human bias can impact the candidate experience when using AI powered recruiting tools. Some believe that the technology itself is biased against certain groups of people.
However, many companies are using AI powered recruiting tools to help improve the candidate experience. These tools can help to identify potential candidates, assess their skills and qualifications, and provide feedback to help improve the recruiting process.
1. Employee Retention Issues
AI’s ability to identify successful applicants based on skill sets and professional attributes may encourage applicants to apply for a job that involves less work. This may create a sense of entitlement among employers, which could result in a decrease in employee retention rates.
On the other hand, AI technology can also be used to identify which employees are likely to handle new responsibilities well and be promoted into higher levels of the organization.
2. Lack Of Transparency Or Accountability
AI can become an easy scapegoat for recruiters who will be unable to explain why certain candidates were not hired when their technology didn’t “see” them as viable candidates. In addition, a system error or miscommunication between employees of an organization and AI could result in a loss of valuable information.
3. Larger Data Sets Needed To Build Aptitude Tests
AI can be extremely useful in identifying specific skill sets and professional attributes that will make a candidate suitable for the job, but it may take more data to build aptitude tests that accurately measure what makes someone successful at a certain job or industry.
Asking them directly may prove more accurate than relying on artificial intelligence because human judgment is often inaccurate.
4. Personality Differences Don’t Change
AI may be able to accurately assess someone’s personality based on previous data, but it won’t accurately gauge how that individual will react in a certain setting until they actually behave that way.
Therefore, AI may not be as useful in determining which candidates should receive higher or lower scores based on how they fit with the rest of the recruiting teams and how they will react to certain situations.
5. Wage And Salary Issues Present Challenges For Recruiters
Wage and salary issues can create tension between employees and employers, which AI technology is unlikely to effectively diffuse. Therefore, AI may not be as useful for recruiters who want to attract candidates whose skills are more in demand than those of others.
6. Less Job Security For Recruiters
Technology is advancing at such a rapid pace that the job security of HR professionals is likely to become obsolete in a matter of years, which will force recruiters to upgrade their skills or move on to another profession.
AI will certainly allow people to become more productive as technology improves and better software takes over many human functions, but this can make it difficult for HR practitioners to have jobs by the same time they want them.
7. The Cost Of Implementation
AI is evolving at a rapid pace, but it will take time for recruiters to implement AI technology and get the most use out of it.
This means that organizations with more budget may be able to use technology more effectively than those without a lot of money to spend on equipment and software.
Alternatively, smaller companies that can’t afford advanced AI systems may end up less competitive in the marketplace because they can’t attract top talent or improve their employees’ performance on their own.
8. How AI Works In The Face Of New Challenges
AI is still relatively new and will continue to face huge challenges as time goes on. However, it will likely be able to improve with time and make more accurate predictions as more people use it. This will help HR professionals identify fault in their systems and adjust them accordingly to continue attracting top talent.
Final Note
Even though it’s early in the adoption process, artificial intelligence is already being used in a variety of recruitment processes. Companies like LinkedIn are using it to help them find job applicants who are a good fit for their organizations.
Eventually, AI recruiting tools could even eliminate the need for recruiters entirely and allow HR professionals to concentrate on their work instead of spending time on recruiting.
Last Updated on October 8, 2023 by Parina Parmar