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HomeMarketingIndustriesBenefits Of Artificial Intelligence In Recruitment

Benefits Of Artificial Intelligence In Recruitment

Artificial intelligence has taken over many industries in recent years, and recruitment is no different. AI has a range of benefits, such as the ability to find job candidates more efficiently and accurately, detecting skills in a candidate that might not be apparent on paper, and helping companies avoid hiring unqualified candidates or those with wild-eyed expectations. Recruitment teams can rejoice in these benefits without having to invest too much time or money.

AI In Recruitment

The advantages of using AI in recruitment include accurate person-centric matching, optimized predictive matching based on digital profiles and data, faster recruitment cycles, and a large reduction in applicants to sift through.

Artificial intelligence is getting smarter every day. The technology is now able to make nuanced distinctions between candidates by gauging their skills, knowledge and personality traits using data gathered from their past experiences and preferences.

25% of today’s prospects apply for 10 or more jobs; between 2012 and 2018, the average number of applications received for a single position increased 39%. Furthermore, recruiters must now sift through greater pools of unsuitable applicants — 72% of submissions are rated as low- to average-quality.

AI can also be used to determine whether a profile or a candidate is right for the job. This can be done without hiring someone if the company already has a large amount of information about the user through digital profiles or through working with other companies in an employee referral program.

AI can also help companies identify the best candidates for special positions, such as predicting whether a candidate is likely to be a highly productive employee.

Altogether, AI has proven to be highly efficient in matching candidates with jobs and companies with their ideal employees. While there may still be some work to do on the basis of initial recruitment tasks, the automation of parts of this process can make it possible for the time spent micromanaging applicants or recruiting new ones to be freed up for more important tasks. Recruitment teams need not lament becoming obsolete while they are still employed in their companies.

Recruitment Process

The recruitment process is the process of finding and hiring the best candidates for a company. The hiring process is the process of screening candidates and selecting the best candidate for the job.

Artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in the recruitment process. Hiring managers are using AI to help screen candidates and identify the best candidates for the job.

Qualified candidates are the lifeblood of any successful organization, so it’s critical to have a strong recruiting process in place to attract and hire the best talent. The candidate experience is a key part of that process, and making sure it is positive and streamlined is essential to attracting quality candidates.

The interview process is a crucial part of the recruiting process, and making sure it is efficient and effective will help you hire the best candidates for your organization.

Early adopters of AI-powered recruiting software reported a 75% reduction in cost per screen and a 35% reduction in turnover. Back in 2017, these were encouraging signals that AI was having a positive impact on the recruitment process.

There is no doubt that AI is playing an increasingly important role in the recruitment process. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as screening job candidates, AI can help recruiters identify the most suitable candidates more efficiently.

However, AI is not without its limitations. For example, AI cannot always identify the most qualified candidates, particularly for highly skilled positions. In addition, AI can also introduce bias into the recruitment process. For these reasons, it is important to use AI in recruitment cautiously.

There are many different job boards that you can use to post your job descriptions. The recruitment industry is very competitive, so it is important to make sure that your job descriptions are clear and concise. The screening process is also very important. You need to make sure that you are only screening candidates who are qualified for the position.

How AI Is Transforming The Recruitment Industry


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already transforming the workforce, and recruiters are at the forefront of that change. As demand for AI capabilities increases, companies will have to address the challenges associated with its implementation in order to meet their recruitment objectives.

Recruiters are a critical cross-section between businesses and candidates, and as AI becomes more widely available, it will become increasingly critical for recruiters to understand how AI can be used effectively within their business processes.

Benefits Of AI In Recruitment

Another case in point is Mya, one of the leading providers of AI-based chatbots for recruiting, which has been able to reduce the time it takes to screen candidates by 30-50 percent or more, giving recruiters days or weeks of extra time to spend on outbound recruiting, interviewing, and other high-value activities.

AI is a boon for recruitment because it takes on mundane tasks and frees up time for teams to do the more important things they need to do.

AI can free recruiters to spend their time sourcing candidates, interviewing them and bringing them on board, and making sure they are properly integrated into the company. Here are some of the top benefits that AI brings to recruitment:

1. Recruitment Is Now Automated

Writing a job description, posting it to social media, researching candidates online and compiling their skills in a spreadsheet – this process has traditionally been extremely tedious, if not impossible without help from technology.

With the advent of artificial intelligence in recruitment teams, however, much of this can be done automatically today. Each job description can be put through an algorithm, and candidates can be found automatically. They can then be located, contacted, interviewed and brought on board at the click of a button.

2. Time Savings

Being able to automatically find candidates is also a time-saver for recruiters. Instead of spending a considerable amount of time finding the best candidate for each job posting, recruiters have more time to spend on other vital tasks such as developing their skills and improving their performance in meetings with managers.

They can also spend more time on high-value tasks like discovering new talent in their areas or building a talent pipeline for their company’s future needs.

3. A Better Interview Experience


While the candidate experience is often the most important consideration in recruitment, it can also be improved by making use of AI. Not only can candidates be found and contacted faster, but they can also be interviewed more efficiently by recruiters who therefore have more time to focus on important questions and give each candidate a proper chance to speak.

By using AI in recruitment processes, candidates can feel that their interview experience has been personalized when it actually includes technology that makes finding them and getting them through the whole process easier with minimal human intervention.

4. Some Of The Legwork Is Done By Technology

No matter how good a recruiter might be, they can never win the battle against candidates who embellish their resumes or lie on their applications. Although there are various methods to determine deception in a candidate, sometimes it can be difficult to tell whether someone is trustworthy.

This is where AI comes in handy for recruitment. In industries such as finance, for example, where background verification is crucial and there are very high expectations of honesty and trustworthiness, AI can be used to analyze a candidate’s social media presence or written content to ascertain whether their words match their deeds.

5. The Candidate Experience Is Improved

One-third (32%) of polled recruiters report that 50% or more of available opportunities are filled by remote workers.

Recruitment is a key part of the talent acquisition process. The better the candidates feel about their hiring experience, the more likely they are to stay with the company. Here again, AI can improve this experience by helping recruiters find candidates more efficiently and communicate with them more effectively.

In addition to tools that can help identify candidates who are unlikely to work out, AI can also help recruiters get to know their candidates on multiple levels such as by following up with them after an initial interview.

6. The Applicant Experience Is Improved

This principle goes hand-in-hand with the previous point because it improves the candidate experience as well. The better the applicant experience, the better the candidates feel about the recruitment process and feel about working for the company. The greater their confidence in what they are applying for, the more likely they are to perform well once they are hired.

7. Performance Can Be Improved By Matching Candidates With Jobs

A standard practice in some companies is to try and match each candidate with a job based on their experience and skillset. Some companies use AI for this purpose because it can sift through hundreds of candidates quickly to find a single candidate who is worth bringing on board.

While AI will never replace the skill and experience of recruiters, it can nevertheless help make more informed decisions when it comes to determining which candidates will be successful in a job.

8. AI Can Increase Gender Diversity

While AI can help recruiters find successful candidates, it also can improve the diversity of their applicant pool by finding more women and minority candidates who have the skills required for the company and its job roles.

In addition, not all women are likely to want to work in technology or engineering roles, which means better targeting for companies who want to attract women into these fields.

9. Current Employees Can Be Better Retrained

For both existing and prospective employees, AI can give recruiters the ability to find training programs in their field or skills they may not have known they had. This can help companies retain their best employees and help them grow more rapidly.

Challenges With Implementing AI In Recruitment


According to 61% of respondents polled in Deloitte’s Global Human Capital Trends Survey, 2019, the most difficult aspect of recruitment is obtaining competent experienced candidates.

While AI can be a significant benefit for almost any part of the recruitment process, recruiters should always keep in mind that it is not a panacea.

1. Non-Technical Recruiters Aren’t Ready For AI Yet

While many recruiters are already familiar with the tools and methods of AI, they still need to be educated about all the advanced functions available and how to make them work for them.

They also need to be able to communicate effectively with machine learning specialists and technical experts who will provide help when necessary. If you’re a non-technical recruiter, you will need to work closely with your company’s IT department to understand the technical aspects of where and how to deploy AI in your business.

2. It Can Take Time Before AI Is Relevant

In most companies, AI has a long way to go before it becomes useful in the recruitment process. While there are some early adopters who have already used it successfully, most companies still have many people who use non-AI technologies for recruitment.

You should expect that it will be at least one year or two before AI is implemented in your company’s recruitment process across departments and across multiple functions and roles.

3. It Needs A Dedicated Team

AI is not a technology that can be used on the side or as a hobby. You need to have the resources in your company to develop, test and deploy it seamlessly into your recruitment process.

While the demand for AI technology is high, it takes time for developers to come up with algorithms that are effective enough to make use of yet streamlined enough so that they take up less time and resources on both the server side and from the employees who must use them to complete their tasks.

4. Standards Need To Be Set

As with any technology, there will be standards and expectations for how companies should implement it. This can involve a system designed specifically for your business, or it could mean implementing AI through a pre-built platform that can then be easily customized to meet your specific needs.

So far, there is no clear standard on how AI should be implemented in the recruitment process, which means that if you want to use it effectively you will either have to create your own standard or buy the services of a company that has already created one.

5. The Right Talent Must Be Available

In order to be successful with AI, you need to have the right people in the right places. This means your recruiters will have to have at least a basic understanding of AI, so they can better communicate with those who are implementing this technology.

You also will need close cooperation between IT and recruitment teams as well as between IT and all of your business users, who will see changes in their daily tasks and responsibilities once a new technology like AI is implemented.

6. It Takes Commitment

Implementing AI in your recruitment process takes time and resources, which means you need to be willing to commit both of these things if you want it to succeed for you and for your company. If you don’t have the time to dedicate to it, then you may be better off sticking with the tried-and-true methods that are already proven successful for your business.

7. Potential For Abuse

Where there is AI, there is potential for abuse. In the wrong hands, AI can be used to take unfair advantage of candidates who will not be able to defend themselves from an algorithm that has not been created fairly and free from bias and discrimination.

Final Note

36% of recruiters say AI improves their work.

As you can see, there are many reasons why it makes sense to include AI in your recruitment process. The future of AI in the recruitment industry is bright and that fact is not going to change any time soon.

Every step recruiters take today will help them predict what could be coming down the road, and make sure they stay ahead of it, so they can continue to benefit all candidates who want a job at their company.

Whether you decide to use AI in your company’s recruitment process or not, we’re certain that it will be implemented soon enough by more recruiters and companies alike.

Last Updated on October 11, 2023 by Priyanshi Sharma


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