When it comes to software development, there are two main types of testing: automated and manual. Both have their own pros and cons, but which one is better? It really depends on your needs and preferences. Here’s a look at both types of testing to help you decide which is best for you.
What Is Automated Testing
In 2020, the software market will be worth more than $40 billion.
Automated testing is simply the process by which you test software automatically. Automated tools let you run a piece of software through a series of tests that are meant to cover as many different situations as possible.
In order to be considered automated, the testing tool will have to completely automate the process of testing your software whether it’s programming or something else entirely.
Automated testing is when a computer program tests your application on its own. It runs through a series of predefined tests and checks the results against established criteria. For an automated program to work, it needs to know what to look for and how to check for it.
That’s known as test cases and test scripts, although those are just the names for them, the content varies widely depending on what needs checking and how you want that checked.
If you’re using an automated testing tool, it will perform all of these tasks by itself, running through each test case to make sure they work as they should. It can do this on any type of computer hardware, not just your own computer.
What Is Manual Testing
In 2021, the US testing sector is expected to be valued $6.3 billion.
Simply speaking, manual testing is the process by which you test an application manually. Instead of relying on software to perform all of the testing for you, you’ll use your own knowledge and experience to see if the application works the way it’s supposed to.
You might be wondering what’s so special about manual testing when automated testing tools are so popular among software developers and testers. There are a number of advantages that manual testers have over automated tools, but most importantly they can learn a lot more about every aspect of their product during their testing period than people working with automated software can.
This will allow them to find more bugs in the program and make any necessary adjustments before going into full production.
Difference Between Automated Testing And Manual Testing
One of the main differences between automated and manual testing is where you can do it. Manual testing requires access to your computer, so you’ll be doing most of it in-house. Automated testing is done on a remote server, so that’s one of the biggest advantages for large companies with dedicated software developers.
It can also be used to test components of your application that are still in development. Finally, automated testing delivers consistent results, which is nice for data gathering or anything else that requires multiple runs through the same test script with consistent results.
The federal and state governments account for 20% of software testing demand.
Not all automated testing tools are created equal though: you need to find an automated tool that fits your needs and the needs of your company’s software team. There are many options out there, so let’s take a look at some of the most popular options for automated testing.
Automated Testing Pros

Manual and automation testing are both methods of testing software, but they have different advantages and disadvantages. Usability testing is a type of testing that assesses how easy it is to use a system. System testing is a type of testing that assesses the overall functionality of a system.
IT and telecom account for 20% of the software testing market.
1. Reduced Cost
Automated testing tools are far less expensive than manual testing. You don’t need to pay someone as much to use them as you would if they were doing the work themselves, and you don’t need to worry about the programming team becoming unmotivated if they have been doing it all on their own.
Also, most of the time, automated testing tools come with a free trial or even a free version that offers some basic options for testing. If you choose to purchase one of these tools after working through the trial period, then you’ll be able to go back up to the paid version that offers more features and options for your company’s needs.
2. Improved Feedback Process
Since automated testers can run through the same test cases on many different devices, they can quickly and easily detect performance issues. This way you get a much faster feedback process than manual testing, which typically only tests once with one person. With automation, you’re able to test on more than one device at once, so your final product will be exactly that: reliable, bug-free and polished.
3. Automated Testing Tools Won’t Slow Down Your Application
With automated software testing tools, you don’t have to worry about slowing down the speed of your application. In fact, you’ll actually speed it up because you can test the entire application in one run. Manual testers have to break the process into pieces, which can take up a lot of time.
4. Better Communication Between Software Developers and QA Testers
All too often, people assume that automated testing will lead to a lack of communication between software developers and QA testers. This is only true if your developers aren’t interested in communication, or if you aren’t doing enough planning with your automated testing tools in the beginning. Instead of being a reason not to use automated tools, they should only be one part of your overall development plan.
5. Faster Development Cycles
The quicker you can test your application and get it back out to the public, the faster you can make money by selling your new software. Since automated testing takes less time than manual testing, it gives you a faster development cycle that allows your users to see updates sooner.
This is especially important with big applications that have many different features and customization options. The more often they get updated, the better they are received by users.
Automated Testing Cons

Automation testing is a process of testing software using specialized tools and scripts to simulate real-world conditions. Performance testing is a type of testing that assesses the speed and stability of a system under load.
Non-testers are hired or used by 35% of companies for software testing.
1. Lack Of Human Intelligence and Willingness To Test the Program Like A User Would
Since automated testing tools are designed by programmers, they won’t always be able to detect the kinds of bugs that you can find with manual testing. Also, they won’t catch everything.
If the developers don’t take into account the way people use their applications, then automated testers will only have a limited perspective on how it will actually work in real life. So if your goal is to find out what will happen when someone uses your app in real life without you being there, you should stick with manual tests as much as possible.
2. You Need To Be Able To Program Or Have A Good Relationship With A Programmer
Automated testing tools are completely dependent on the development team. The more you’re able to work with these tools and the team, the more likely you’ll be able to find the right partnership.
This will make it much easier for your company to get the exact results that you need. If you don’t have a relationship with programmers or aren’t qualified enough, automated software testing might not be your best option.
3. Automated Testing Can Be Too Fast And Too Slow At The Same Time
On one hand, automation testing is designed to speed up your overall process by doing multiple tests on many different devices at once. This is great for large, complicated applications.
However, this might not be the best option for smaller projects or simpler products. It can be incredibly frustrating when automated testing tools test too quickly or run through all of your tests before you’ve even begun development.
4. Automated Testing Can Only Test Code
Automated testing tools are primarily designed to test the code of your applications. They’re great for checking that everything works as it should, but they don’t really do much to ensure that your application is ready to be used by users.
If a user downloads the software and runs it on their PC, tablet, or another device, they could run into many different kinds of issues that will never show up during an automated test. Manual testing is going to give you access to a wider range of tools and options than automated testing tools, so stick with it as much as possible.
5. Automated Testing Isn’t Always Reliable
Automated testing tools are usually extremely good at detecting when certain things don’t work the way they should. However, there will always be bugs that you can only catch by manual testing that aren’t caught during an automated test.
While it’s always beneficial to use automation whenever possible, it’s also vital that you keep some human intelligence involved in your project. This allows you to make sure that your application is being optimized for the real world and isn’t just built to survive automated tests.
Manual Testing Pros

There are several types of software testing, each with its own purpose. Regression testing is used to ensure that changes to the code haven’t introduced new bugs. Load testing ensures that the system can handle the required amount of traffic.
Exploratory testing is used to discover new bugs and to get a better understanding of the system. Integration testing ensures that different components of the system work together correctly.
1. People Can Test Your Software Differently Than A Machine
Since automated testing tools can only test the code of your application, they won’t be able to catch some of the little bugs that might pop up when using the program during real-world testing.
Manual testers will be able to test your application and add in all sorts of extra variables that may help you find more bugs. This is especially important in situations where you want to ensure that your software is reliable and bug-free.
2. An Added Layer Of Quality Control
Since manual testers are able to test the application with their own fingertips, they can feel how the software works and use their own insight to determine if something is working the way it should.
If you’re developing a product that’s mainly used by other people, there’s a good chance that they will find errors in your software. So be sure to keep them in mind while you’re creating your software.
3. A Perfect Combination of Experience And Skills Required For Manual Testing
Unless you have an automated testing team specially built for manual testers, it will take some time to train up new ones to follow your process. It’s best to start this training process as soon as you can and keep it going during the entire development cycle. This gives you the most time to catch problems and make any changes that will help improve your application.
4. Quicker Test Cycles
If you rely on manual testing, then it won’t take as long to test your applications. This will allow developers to quickly see how their work is being received by users and to tweak things if they’re getting negative feedback.
Some applications might be too complicated or large for an automated software testing tool to complete all of the necessary tests in a reasonable amount of time, so manual testing is usually a great option for those types of projects.
5. An Opportunity To Prove Your Product’s Value To Your Clients
As a tester, you can get a lot of job satisfaction by showing your clients how reliable and effective their software is. Manual testing lets you put the application through its paces and show off your expertise in this area to interested parties.
Manually testing an application will also help you figure out what areas need more attention from the development team, which will help them create a better product overall.
Manual Testing Cons
The testing process is a crucial part of any software development project. Ad hoc testing is an important part of the testing process, as it allows for quick and easy testing of new features or changes to the code.
Human resources are also important in the testing process, as they can provide valuable insights into the functionality of the software. White box testing is another important part of the testing process, as it allows for a more comprehensive test of the code. Test execution is the final stage of the testing process.
1. Catching Bugs Takes Practice, Skill and Experience, Just Like Programming
Even if you’ve been a manual tester for years, there are still bugs that can slip through the cracks. It’s possible that you’ll miss one or two while testing. This will ruin your testing session and give you nothing to show for it. It can be difficult to determine what exactly is causing problems in your software, but if you keep at it, eventually you’ll be able to catch everything.
2. You Need The Sustained Attention Of A Team
Many automated tools require that all of your testers are on a single project working together. You might have trouble getting this type of team together if manual testing isn’t something that the organization sees as very important or if there aren’t enough manual testers available in your area to suit all of the projects going on. This can make it difficult to find enough testers to make sure your software is tested thoroughly.
3. Availability Of Test Environment
If you’re using an automated tool, then you don’t have to worry about setting up a testing environment. This can be useful for some organizations but not all. Manual testers will have to do a lot more work in order to get started with their testing project and will sometimes need access to valuable resources that aren’t available during development.
4. A Commitment To Discouraging Human Error
Automated testing tools are supposed to eliminate human error, but you can still make mistakes if you’re not careful. Manual testers have to be extremely careful when performing any type of testing on their own and will most likely end up spending a lot of time in order to find every possible bug. This will help ensure that the software is as bug-free as possible and will prevent many problems down the road.
5. Your Servers Will Be Impacted By Manual Testing
If you decide that manual testing is going to be an important part of your project, it will take up a large portion of your time. You’ll be working on the application for a long time, so your servers will need to be prepared for this. This will require you to upgrade them and make sure that they’re fully prepared to handle the increased bandwidth demand of your manual testing team.
Which Is Better Automated Or Manual Testing
By 2020, 44% of IT organisations will have automated 50% of their testing.
It’s hard to say which one is better because the answer depends on a lot of factors. If you’re trying to develop software that has a high likelihood of being used in the real world, then you should use manual testing. This type of testing will catch all sorts of errors and will help you get an idea about how well your application works for potential users.
If using an automated tool is going to help you develop a product that’s reliable, bug-free and extremely durable, then it probably makes sense to go with that type of tool instead. You can concentrate on writing a great program with minimal human error, which will make it much easier to build the perfect software product.
Final Note
Manual testing is great for getting a feel for how your software stands up to the test of time in the real world, while automated tools can help you develop a very reliable product with minimal human error.
Manual testers can get a lot of job satisfaction by showing off their skills and expertise to interested parties, which is why this type of testing has remained so popular even though automated software is much more convenient and efficient.
In order to make sure your team is working on the best possible product, you should do some manual testing from time to time if you’re comfortable with it. You’ll end up with a much better product if you do.
Last Updated on October 11, 2023 by Priyanshi Sharma