The aerospace industry is one of the most fascinating and rapidly-growing industries in the world. With new technological advances being made every day, the potential for automation in this sector is immense.
However, there are also a number of challenges that need to be considered before implementing automated systems in an aerospace environment. In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of automation in the aerospace industry.
Automation And Aerospace Industry
The aerospace industry is an exciting field to work within. With so many important components functioning under weight limits and the limited lifespans of those parts, it is essential that manufacturers use automation to make sure they stay on schedule while still maintaining high-quality standards.
The United States exported aircraft goods worth around 80.9 billion dollars in 2020.
The aerospace industry automation is a highly automated sector with a focus on quality control. The aircraft manufacturing process for aircraft components is typically very precise and requires little human intervention. This aerospace automation helps to ensure that each component meets the required specifications and is up to safety standards.
Advancements In Automation For Aerospace

The implications of the advancement of automation in aerospace have been widely covered in many publications and journals. The possibilities that automation can bring to the sector is still being discussed. For example, while there are some concerns that it could slow down the company due to increased staffing costs, increased workloads, or other unforeseen consequences, there are also others who believe it will increase worker productivity and reduce production costs.
Global military spending grew rapidly during the last two decades, exceeding 1.9 trillion dollars in the year 2020.
Therefore, before implementing automation in an aerospace company, it is important to identify which benefits to expect and which challenges to expect. Let’s look at a few examples:
Benefits Of Automation In the Aerospace Industry
Predictive maintenance programs (PMPs) are designed to predict and prevent equipment failures before they occur. The automotive industry uses predictive maintenance to monitor vehicle systems and detect potential problems before they cause damage. By allowing automation solutions, manufacturers can save time and money while increasing efficiency.
In terms of worldwide comparison, the United States is home to several of the top aerospace and military industries. Six of the top 12 aerospace and military firms will still be headquartered in the United States in 2021.
The aerospace industry is one of the most innovative and exciting industries in the world. Aerospace manufacturers are constantly looking for new ways to improve their products and processes, and automation is one of the most important tools they have at their disposal. Aerospace manufacturing solutions can help aerospace manufacturers increase efficiency, improve quality, and reduce costs.
1. Increased Worker Productivity
In the aerospace industry, there is a lot of specialization. For example, in the manufacturing area of an aircraft, you would have a mechanic who is responsible for assembling and testing the aircraft. As such, automation could help to increase worker productivity by cutting down on unnecessary work duplication.
2. Reduced Operational Costs
There are many ways that automation can cut down on operational costs. For example, there are some industries where equipment maintenance is expensive and as such, companies have started to automate machines to minimize downtime and save money in the long run. Airline companies follow a similar principle when they replace manual labor with automated systems in order to cut down on overhead costs and improve efficiency.
3. Reduced Production Time
Thus, arms and military defense production makes up a remarkable proportion of the U.S. economy. Boeing Company, Raytheon Technologies, and Lockheed. Based on sales in 2021, Martin is among the top three U.S. defence technology suppliers.
Again, due to the amount of specialization and expertise required in the aerospace industry, increased worker productivity can also reduce production time. Instead of having a number of people performing one task, there are now fewer workers performing multiple tasks. This results in reduced wait times for operators as well as reduced labor costs and lessened production times.
4. Enhanced Safety Procedures

There is no doubt that automation has reduced man-hours, but it should also be noted that it has also significantly improved safety procedures in many companies. A lot of operational errors are caused by human error; for example, some individuals may have poorly secured materials or may have overlooked an important step when assembling a machine. Automation has greatly improved that aspect by eliminating human error and reducing the risk of accidents.
5. Leads To More Stable Operations
There may be some changes in overall production when installing automation, but it is important to note that these changes are short-lived and do not have long-lasting effects on company operations.
For example, when installing automated robotics for material handling in an automotive manufacturing plant, there could be a temporary increase in costs due to the repair of machines and suspension of work until repairs can be made.
However, these costs would quickly balance out once the automated system is back up and running. The system would then work at full capacity to cut down on necessary labor hours.
6. Increased Flexibility
Due to the automated and controlled nature of robotic systems, production processes are more flexible in an aerospace environment. This increased flexibility makes it easier for companies to adapt to changes in the market or new demands for quality control, etc. It also helps companies to cope with uncertainty when planning new projects and deciding how many employees will be needed in the future.
7. Environmental Benefits
Due to their automated nature, industrial robots help companies grow and produce more without having to add more workers or increase operational hours. As such, companies can focus on increasing their efficiency rather than increasing the number of employees. This is good news for the environment as manual labor produces a significant amount of carbon emissions.
8. Automation Helps To Prevent Accidents
Thanks to advancements in automation, hospitals are able to detect and prevent medical errors. This trend is likely to continue as companies find greater ways of utilizing robotics in order to reduce production costs and improve worker productivity. It is only a matter of time before factories start to automate entire assembly lines or even start automating entire factories.
Challenges Of Automation In Aerospace Industry

As businesses strive to do more with less, they are turning to automation to perform increasingly complicated jobs. Vision systems and artificial intelligence are being used to create automated solutions that can handle a variety of tasks. Vision technology is making it possible for businesses to improve their efficiency and productivity.
For instance, Lockheed Martin’s income increased by more than twofold between 2000 and 2019, rising from 25 billion dollars in 2000 to around 65.4 billion dollars in 2020.
With the many benefits of automation, it may seem that it is a no-brainer for companies to jump on the automation bandwagon. However, a closer look at its challenges will help you to make an informed decision as to whether or not automation is right for your business. Here are some of the potential challenges that you may face when implementing industrial robotics:
1. Challenges Dealing With Complex Machinery
Robotic control systems require very specific skills and knowledge in order to operate and maintain them properly. They can be very expensive as well. For example, the cost of installing a robotic system in an auto factory could be anywhere from $35 million to $50 million – even higher if you include the costs of software design and personnel training.
2. Insufficient Resources To Run Automation Systems
In this case, insufficient resources can mean having inadequate resources for training, support systems, and maintenance of robotic systems. A lot of companies may be hesitant to take this step due to these costs. However, it is important to note that these costs will eventually level out as automation continues to improve efficiency and cut down on overhead costs.
3. Complex Software Requirements
As automation systems become more complex, software requirements will also increase. This can result in less-than-ideal software being programmed and deployed. For example, if your main focus is on quality control, you may need a system that is able to detect faults in the manufacturing process and automatically address them in a timely manner. If you have other goals, such as reducing production costs or increasing worker productivity, then the software can be quite complicated – thereby making it more challenging to maintain the system.
4. A Learning Curve
Automation is still a relatively new concept in the manufacturing industry, especially in the aerospace industry. So, it is understandable that there will be a learning curve for employees and management.
For example, employees may not understand how automation works and how to use certain sensors or software correctly. Some workers may prefer to manually do the jobs themselves rather than relying on machines to do it for them – even if it means producing less-than-ideal end outputs.
5. Human Error Potential
The main challenge when implementing automation is that there are so many things that could go wrong – especially with mechanical parts. The risk of human error is increased significantly; for example, even a small bolt may need to be replaced.
Depending on the part being replaced, it may take several hours or days to effect the repair. Then, once the machine is back up and running, workers will need to be retrained as they get used to a new machine.
6. Costly Installation
Many companies may not want to invest in an expensive robotic system when they are still not sure if it will be cost-effective in the long run. However, drone technology has lowered the cost of entry into automation and has made it easier for companies to access this technology throughout their operations – something that was previously only possible for very large corporations with big budgets.
7. Low Worker Morale
Another challenge is low worker morale due to feelings of displacement or displacement anxiety. This can be a result of losing jobs to automation, especially if the company does not have a proper downsizing plan in place – the impact on workers can be very negative.
This could include workers being laid off, relocated or being offered alternative jobs within the company that are not related to their field of expertise. The bigger the scale and complexity of your manufacturing operations, the more likely it is that it will affect your workers in some way. The best way to address this is by making sure that you have a feasible plan for addressing it before you implement automation.
8. Frustration Over Inefficiencies
In today’s competitive business environment, companies are always looking for ways to increase their efficiency and decrease overhead expenditures as much as possible.
However, increasing automation can be very costly in terms of both capital expenditures and manpower. So, if a company is having a hard time making enough profit, investing in automation may not be the best option.
Final Note
As automation is slowly making its way into the aerospace industry, there are many barriers that have to be overcome before the next 80 years of innovation will roll around. While automation may play a significant role in the future of manufacturing, there are still obstacles that need to be addressed before robots will work at full speed.
For example, despite advances in robotics, current models are still unable to work efficiently in high-temperature environments and harsh environments like high altitude. These limitations could be solved by finding ways to create more efficient motors and sensors, as well as new sensor technologies that can detect higher-level information on a micro level.
Last Updated on October 5, 2023 by Priyanshi Sharma