The effects of automation on society are both widespread and varied. In general, automation has made life easier for people by freeing up time and labor. However, there are also some negative effects of automation that should be considered. These include job loss, increased inequality, and the potential for misuse.
Automation has allowed people to produce more goods and services in less time. This has increased productivity, which according to economic theory should lead to higher wages for workers.
This is largely a result of capital/labor substitution whereby physical capital (machines) replace human labor thus reducing the need for human workers. This can also be defined as a transfer of income from labor (who find their wages reduced by competition from automation) to capital (the owners of the machines that replace humans).
The Effects Of Automation On Jobs

The effects of automation on society are both widespread and varied. In general, automation has made life easier for people by freeing up time and labor. However, there are also some negative effects of automation that should be considered.
These include employment losses, increasing inequality, and the possibility of misappropriation. Automation is causing significant disruption to more than 25% of jobs in the United States.
Automation has allowed people to produce more goods and services in less time. This has increased productivity, which according to economic theory should lead to higher wages for workers.
Technological progress and globalization make it difficult to safeguard American jobs as many American jobs are likely to be replaced by automated ones. However, this reduces demand for labor which can have an adverse effect on employment (especially among those with low levels of education). This can be a threat to the global economy as less labor leads to lower productivity and hence lower overall economic growth.
Expectations of future automation have created fear in some people that future jobs will be scarce and that some people may be displaced from their jobs. However, it is important to distinguish between new jobs and old ones. Many modern jobs are automated, but there are many more today than ever before.
There will always be a need for human workers, as automation can not entirely replace human intelligence, but it can reduce the need for it drastically by freeing up time and labor that was once spent working. This can result in increased consumerism and consumer spending (as money previously spent on labor is now available for other things).
The Effects Of Automation On Economies

Automation has led to a decrease in the number of people who are unemployed, which is a benefit to society. This can also result in an increase in output, which may lead to improved living standards if there is no change in inequality between income groups.
Increased output due to automation should result in higher wages for workers as they produce more than they previously did. However, due to capital-labor substitution automation technology has caused unemployment and hence reduced wages for those who were displaced from their jobs. This can lead to lower rates of consumption and contribute negatively to aggregate demand (a key indicator for any economy).
Automation poses the greatest threat to the transportation, storage, and manufacturing industries.
Mass production and automation of the workplace can result in lower prices for consumers. If this is not offset by a rise in prices due to demand, then living standards can be improved.
If it is offset by higher prices then living standards will fall. There is also a risk that increased consumerism (due to increased wealth) could lead to increased pollution, which could have an adverse effect on society as a whole, rather than just the individual consumer.
Increased production and economic growth attributed to automation has led to a reduction in the number of jobs available, which has led many people to believe that automation steals jobs from humans and increases unemployment.
The Effects Of Automation On Society

Automation can lead to a change in the way people work and live. As automation increases, jobs may be displaced and require different skills. At the same time, it is important to remember that automation does not necessarily result in lower employment rates as many people are required for maintenance of automated systems.
New jobs are likely to be more skilled and pay more than the old jobs. This could lead to an increase in inequality, which could result in a decrease in overall demand due to an increase in income disparity between rich and poor. 37% of workers are concerned about losing their employment due to automation.
Automation can also cause social problems if it is misused or abused. This could lead to pollution and negative health effects, both of which are threats to the general public.
Automation threatens many jobs currently in existence. Some jobs will most likely be lost due to automation, but there will still be work available for those who are displaced by it. Because there will always be a need for people who maintain automated systems or repair them when there are problems, employment rates will not necessarily decrease with automation.
Due to capital-labor substitution automation technology has caused unemployment and hence reduced wages for those who were displaced from their jobs. This can lead to lower rates of consumption and contribute negatively to aggregate demand (a key indicator for any economy).
Benefits Of Automation On Society
57% of companies believe that the primary purpose of automation is to improve worker performance and productivity. The rise of automation technologies has led to productivity gains in many industries, creating new jobs in the process.
Automation technology has been a major driver of economic growth, making it possible for businesses to increase output while reducing costs. Automated systems have also made it possible for businesses to operate more efficiently, resulting in higher levels of customer satisfaction.
1. Elimination Of Poverty And Hunger
Due to automation, millions of jobs that require physical labor will become obsolete. This will reduce the need for large amounts of food and shelter. As a result, it is likely that hunger and poverty will decrease.
2. Increase In Literacy Rates
Automation reduces the need for skilled workers, which in turn reduces the number of laborers required to complete tasks such as reading and writing. The resulting reduction in demand for skilled laborers means that literacy rates will increase.
This could have a positive effect on society if it leads to greater education levels among society as a whole, but it could also lead to an increase (or decrease) in inequality as less income is available for those with low levels of education.
3. Increase In Leisure Time
Human labor will be replaced by automated systems, which will free up an increasing amount of time for those to do other things. This will allow more individuals to have more leisure time, which could lead to a rise in consumerism and consumer spending.
In addition, it is likely that automation will lead to a reduction in the amount of work that society places on its citizens. This could lead to a rise in quality of life and increase the ‘happiness index’ for people as they get less work and more free time.
4. Reduction In Crime
Since crime rates will decrease as a result of automation there will be fewer crimes committed, which will reduce the amount of policing that is required. This could lead to an increase in the number of police officers, although it is likely that there would be less violent crime due to reduced demand.
At the same time, there is also the potential for greater inequality and poverty due to automation replacing many jobs associated with manual labor. Crime rates could also shift towards human trafficking and domestic violence as more people are unemployed and must resort to stealing or begging in order to survive.
5. Reduction In Health Care Costs
Millions of people will be replaced by automation. This reduced demand for labor will affect the cost of health care as fewer people are required to work in order to produce medical products and services. As a result, the price of medical services could decrease as a result of decreased demand.
The problem with this is that automation has also increased poor quality and unsafe products and services, which can lead to negative health effects. This also has implications for the wider population as poverty leads to poor nutrition, poor medical treatment and poor reproductive health, with all of which have an effect on mortality rates.
6. Increase In Leisure Activities
One of the positives of automating some jobs is that it gives people more free time to work on other things. This can be beneficial to individuals who want to pursue hobbies and other interests that they do not have time for due to the necessity of the employment.
With automation, unemployed people will have time to spend on other activities, which could lead to more innovation and creativity for society as a whole. However, this does not necessarily mean that automation is positive if it leads to unemployment or inequality.
7. Increased Supply Of Labor For higher-skilled Jobs
The elimination of certain professions through automation leads many individuals into lower-paying jobs that require less skill and education level (see section 3 below). This can be seen in the recent automation of cashiers and the resulting increase in unemployment among those who were previously employed in this profession.
Because of their skills and education, many people were out of work for many years due to technological advancement. The increased supply of labor has also led to some individuals being displaced by automation who once would have had secure jobs with very good pay.
With the supply of labor increases, there are fewer opportunities for individuals to earn a decent income which could lead to them having a lower quality of life and worse health outcomes than before.
Almost 70% of workers feel that automation will enable them to qualify for more highly skilled jobs.
8. Reduction In Environmental Problems
Automation has a negative impact on the environment in several ways. First, it reduces the number of laborers necessary to maintain and repair automated machines, which results in lower demand for these products and services.
This means that lower demand for the services of the repairmen and technicians who maintain these systems will lead to less environmental degradation. As automation continues, it is likely that there will be even less demand for machines and company maintenance will fall even more as fewer people are employed to do this work.
The reduction in pollution also means less employment of individuals who would have been required to maintain and clean up after factories or other sources of pollution.
Risks Of Automation On Society
As artificial intelligence and machine learning become more prevalent, there is a risk that human workers will be displaced. However, these technologies can also lead to economic growth, which could create new jobs.
1. Job Displacement
Companies are replacing human employees with automated systems. This results in the elimination of jobs, which can lead to unemployment. This has been seen in recent decades, especially in the manufacturing sector.
As a result, there are fewer opportunities for individuals to find employment and support themselves and their family. Less income means less reason to have a stable job and more stress on families as they go without stable income for sustenance.
Those who lose their jobs may then have to work for lower-paying companies or enter into the black market as a result of their loss of employment through automation.
More than 70% of people would be eager to boost their career prospects by augmenting their bodies and minds.
2. Poverty
As a result of job displacement, which is linked to automation and technology advancement, there may be greater inequality in income distributions. This leads to poverty as those with lower education levels find it more difficult to find jobs with good pay.
This can put more stress on the family and lead to more negative health outcomes for individuals and their families as they do not have enough money to live comfortably or receive quality food or medical treatment.
Lifespan is also likely to decrease due to fewer resources being available for those who need it most due to inequality. This can have a negative impact on the ‘happiness index’ of an individual and their family as they struggle with less income than they need in order to live comfortably.
3. Increased Crime Rates
The elimination of jobs leads to more people without employment and consequently without the money to sustain themselves. This can lead to increased crime rates as a result of increased poverty and unemployment, especially among those who are unskilled due to their lack of education level.
With more individuals unemployed, they may turn to drug dealing or prostitution in order to survive. Crime rates can also rise due to higher levels of violence as a result of joblessness leading some individuals with low impulse control to commit violent acts.
Secondly, income inequality will also lead to violence between social classes. Those with higher incomes who are in control may use violence against those who do not have the skills or education to get employment.
This is explained by the theory of relative deprivation, which suggests that those who are worse off than others will feel resentful and angry because they lack what their ‘equals’ have. These feelings can then lead them to commit violent acts against their perceived ‘oppressors’, leading to increased crime rates as a result of increased social inequality.
4. Emotional Damage
Losing a job through automation can have a negative impact on individuals’ mental state as they struggle without the income that they need in order to live comfortably. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression over time, which can negatively affect the health of individuals and their families.
Losing a job through automation can have an even worse physical impact on individuals due to the resulting loss of income. This may result in poor nutrition and reduced exercise, both of which are associated with increased risk for various forms of illness and physical damage (see section 4 below).
5. Loss Of Trust In Society
Mass unemployment due to automation can reduce trust in society as people become skeptical about what will happen in the future. Many people are afraid that they will be replaced by automated systems or that some other disaster will lead to mass unemployment.
This can lead to distrust in society as people feel that it is not as safe or stable as it was before. This distrust may lead people to become more prone to anti-social behavior, such as violence against others, theft, and other criminal activities.
6. Reduced Human Capital
The loss of jobs and the subsequent joblessness can also lead to a decline in human capital. In societies that have suffered unemployment due to automation, there may be less education, which can cause individuals to have gaps in their knowledge and skills during their lifetime.
This has been seen with regard to the decline of healthcare due to technological advancement. It has been shown that those with less education tend to receive less healthcare because they do not have the access or funds for treatment. This can lead to poorer health outcomes for individuals and reduced life span due to increased illness (see section 4 below).
7. Loss Of Human Dignity
As a result of job displacement from automation, many people will lose their dignity as they struggle without the means to live comfortably or maintain a good standard of living in their society.
This can lead to feelings of shame and degradation as the individual feels less worthy than others in society. As a result, the individual may become depressed and feel that there is no point in trying.
Final Note
At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, representatives from the world’s leading businesses and economies gathered to discuss the future of work. One topic of discussion was the role of clerical workers in the global economy.
It was noted that the demand for human labor is changing, and the labor market is becoming increasingly competitive. It was suggested that businesses need to invest in training and development for their employees in order to stay ahead of the curve.
The future of work is increasingly automated, with new technologies eliminating the need for human labor in many industries. This shift could have major implications for the economic security of workers and the economic system as a whole.
Last Updated on September 29, 2023 by Priyanshi Sharma