One of the most interesting and important trends to emerge in the security sector is robotics. Robots, or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are not just taking over your remote-controlled world anymore. They will soon be a vital cog in an integrated security system, with their characteristic benefits and drawbacks.
In this guide to robots in security, we’ll explore some of the most popular robots currently available on the market and go into detail about what they can do for you. We’ll also talk about some of their weaknesses — because no technology is perfect! — so that you can make an informed decision before purchasing or investing in them.
What Is Robotics In Security

Robotics in security is a relatively new segment of the security sector. Many of the robots currently being used in security are drones, which are remote-controlled flying machines that can be programmed to fly over large areas. Other types of robots include ground surveillance robots and mobile security robots that move around a specific area looking for people and objects.
The market for security robots is predicted to be worth USD 31.7 billion in 2022 and USD 71.8 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 17.8% throughout that time.
The idea behind robotics in security is that having a robot can trigger an alert in the event that there is a breach. The robot will automatically look for suspicious patterns and send the appropriate signals to security personnel.
The critical flaw with this design, however, is that the operator must send out an alert and wait for the response. In addition, many different types of robots can have different reactions when they encounter a certain item.
Thus each type of robot needs to be pre-programmed to recognize various items, which makes it very hard to “customize” them for security mission tasks.
Importance Of Robotics In Security
With robots advancing in their intelligence and ability to act independently, they are looking to play a bigger role when it comes to performing and implementing security measures.
The UN estimates that in 2019, an average of 580 ships travelled along South Africa’s 2,800 kilometres of coastline, contributing to an increase in transnational maritime crimes.
Here are some reasons why robotics is fast becoming essential in the security industry:
Robots can operate by themselves, without any supervision and may be able to complete more tasks than a human guard. A robot can work all day, every day without getting exhausted or needing a break — something that cannot always be said for human guards. Robots don’t need salaries or health insurance — they don’t need money.
Robots don’t have to worry about workplace safety (at least if they are not being intentionally “destroyed” by humans). Robots are not going to ask for raises or try to take advantage of the company like a human might do.
This can save a lot of money on employment and training, especially when there is a large security staff that needs constant upkeep because employees are always coming and going for different reasons.
Robots are able to be controlled from a remote location, making it easier to manage security without having all employees in one place as well as reducing the amount of infrastructure necessary for any given project.
Robots could potentially go places that humans cannot go — caves, buildings, war zones, etc., which means they can provide some degree of closer protection while staying out of the line of fire.
Risks Of Robotics In Security

Robots are increasingly being used for security purposes. Robotic security services are becoming more popular, as they can provide 24/7 coverage and are not susceptible to human error.
Artificial intelligence is also being used to create security robots that can patrol an area and identify potential threats. These robots are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are beginning to replace traditional security guards.
Between 2022 and 2027, the unmanned aerial vehicle industry is anticipated to see the fastest CAGR growth.
Security guards may soon be replaced by autonomous security robots and autonomous mobile robots. These robots would be equipped with the Robot Operating System (ROS), and would be able to autonomously patrol an area. This would free up human workers for other tasks.
1. Robots Can Be Hacked
Although advancements in technology have made security systems more secure than ever, ultimately any system is only as secure as its weakest link. If a hacker manages to take control of the robot’s software, they could do almost anything they want with the system, including damaging or even killing people.
2. Robots Are Expensive
The most popular robots for security are not cheap — there’s a reason why the market is so saturated with them! A typical robot that is used to patrol an office can cost $300,000, and a reconnaissance robot that can cover large areas for months on end costs $1 million+.
3. Robots Don’t Live Forever
While robots may be useful for surveillance and reconnaissance, they are not indestructible. They can get stuck in a place where it would take too long for human help to arrive, such as an underground cave or a minefield, and it may not be reasonable to send in another robot to get the first one out. Thus robots will eventually experience glitches and break down — it’s just a matter of whether or not that happens before the robot completes its mission.
4. Robots Can Hurt People Or Damage Property
The market was estimated to be worth USD 8.87 billion in 2020 and is anticipated to rise at a CAGR of almost 14% over the forecast period to reach USD 19.77 billion by 2026. (2021-2026).
If a robot is damaged or disabled, it can do a lot of damage to people or property. This can happen accidentally because of mechanical failure during field tests, human error by the operator, or even sabotage.
5. Robots Are Expensive To Maintain
There are high maintenance costs associated with robots, including placing a physical link between the robot and its operation system in case something goes wrong with the robotics software.
In addition, there is also the cost of energy and fuel for the robot itself — i.e., if it is left alone for too long, will it die of thirst? — as well as skilled operators to oversee its direction and control it remotely and diagnose any problems that may arise.
6. Robots Can Potentially Be More Dangerous Than Humans
Robots are very capable machines and can potentially cause greater damage with their steel and aluminum construction, as well as their flying and rolling capabilities. They can also be more difficult to spot, especially if they are small, which can make it hard to tell whether or not they are a threat.
7. Robots Cannot Solve All Security Problems
Robots can only do so much to help a security system — all of the intelligence behind human guards is not going to be replaced by robots in the near future, if ever. Having a robot that can detect intrusions and send signals may be a great asset, but the human factor is still needed to be able to respond appropriately.
8. Robots Are Not Perfect By Design
Robots have come a long way since their inception and can do some pretty amazing things…but they are not still perfect and cannot replace human intelligence for now. Any developer of robots for security should consider whether or not the robot will be reliable under all circumstances — i.e., being deployed in areas with no cell service, weather problems, etc. — as well as how much time it would take to get the robot back into working order after an interruption or malfunction.
Benefits Of Robotics In Security

In recent years, there has been an increasing trend of security robots replacing human workers in various security services. These robots are designed to perform the same tasks as human security professionals, such as patrolling an area or checking for intruders.
Many companies believe that security robot works in a more efficient and effective than their human counterparts, and as a result, they are gradually becoming more common in the security industry.
A robot is typically rented by a casino, residential complex, bank, or in one instance, a police force, for an annual charge of roughly $70,000 to $80,000.
As mobile robots become increasingly autonomous, they pose new security risks. Without a physical presence, these robots can enter secure areas undetected and collect sensitive information. Security officers must be aware of these risks and take steps to mitigate them.
1. Can Be Used For Security In Inaccessible Areas
Many of the robots being used for security are designed to be agile and quick enough to run through difficult environments, such as dense foliage or underground caves without getting stuck or damaged.
This means that a robot can potentially cover more territory than a human, which is especially important in war zones or in areas where civilians might get hurt during searches.
2. Don’t Break Down From The Heat And Cold
Robots don’t need to sleep (or survive on coffee alone) — they may operate for hours of continuous work without any issues.
3. Can Provide A Great Source Of Help In Emergencies
In the event of a fire, earthquake, or other crisis, people can get out of harms way quickly while robots can continue to perform their mission even if they are damaged — which is something that cannot be said for human guards.
4. Cannot Be Exploited By Criminals Or Terrorists Easily
Robots have limited reaction time and movement compared to humans and are unlikely to be able to respond in an emergency. They don’t have the ability to get “emotional,” making them less likely targets for manipulation or violence from other people (except perhaps extreme cases where access has been gained by hackers).
5. Can Potentially Be Sent In Dangerous Situations First
Robots such as bomb disposal robots or rescue robots are designed to get into dangerous places where humans would not be able to go. For example, an armed bomb disposal robot could potentially detonate a landmine that would have killed if it had been set off by human hands…or help locate injured people that require immediate attention, who otherwise might starve if they didn’t find help within a certain amount of time.
6. Can Be Used In Place Of Surveillance Cameras
The most recent annual report from Knightscope states that the company currently has a fleet of 52 machines spread among 23 clients, with a backlog of 27 further robots to be delivered.
Robots have better sensors (e.g., thermal, motion) and reaction speed than many security tools. This means that they can be used to monitor large areas of space effectively, especially against moving targets such as cars or people on the street.
7. Can Help Improve Safety In Hazardous Environments
If a robot is damaged during duty, it could be sent back to a base for repairs so it can continue performing assembly points for other robots or other tasks that need attention at another time…but this will not happen unless all humans involved are trained on how to safely handle robots whenever they may be deployed out of the safe area, including their safe return.
8.Good For Training Human Soldiers
Human soldiers have to learn how to deal with battlefield conditions before going out into the field, and robots can help develop that skill by simulating different scenarios in a safe environment. By doing so, a robot can provide an opportunity for a human soldier to practice his or her skills under less dangerous circumstances before going into real battle situations.
Final Note
In the future, robots may be able to provide a greater degree of protection to humans without putting themselves in danger. The study of robotics can provide insight into developing artificial intelligence (AI), which will help scientists develop greater understanding in the field of robotics.
Robots have also been assigned to do jobs that would otherwise be difficult for people to do, such as mining or working onboard ships on space exploration missions. In order for these robots to operate efficiently and successfully, they must be able to make their own decisions by interpreting sensory data and reacting accordingly — something that is becoming more common in robotics.
Last Updated on October 10, 2023 by Priyanshi Sharma